

Industrial Engineering
“Industrial engineering is concerned with designing, improving, and installing integrated systems of people, materials, information, equipment, and energy. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical, and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems.”
(Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers)

Curriculum Structure of the Trisakti University Industrial Engineering Study Program

Distribution of Courses Per Semester

Semeseter 1
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IUM331Calculus I*3 
2IUF304Physics I *3 
3IUF102Physics Practicum1 
4III201Introduction to Industrial Engineering****2 
5IIE211Introduction to Economics2 
6IUC201Computational Thinking2 
7UPA6200Pancasila Education2 
4IKL307Computer Programming and Practicum3Computional Thinking**
Total Credits18 
Semester 2
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IUM332Calculus II*3Kalkulus I*
2IUF305Physics II*3Fisika I*
3IMG302Drawing Techniques and Practicum3 
4IUM315Statistics *3 
5IUM101Statistics Practicum*1 
6IUM341Linear Algebra*3 
7IIG305Human Anatomy and Physiology3 
Total Credits19 
Semeseter 3
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIS301Operational Research I3Linear Algebra*
2IUM316Optimization Math*3Calculus II*
3III204Industry Statistics2Statistics*
4UKD202Citizenship Education and Kadeham2 
5IIG212Ergonomics and Work System Design I****2
Industry Statistics**
6IIP321Manufacturing Process and Practicum****3Materials Engineering**
7IMJ212Engineering Mechanics2 
8IMN206Materials Engineering*2 
9UAG201-205Religious Education2 
Total Credits21 
Semester 4
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIP324Quality Control and Assurance****3Industry Statistics*
2IIP221Manufacturing Industry Design I2Quality Control and Assurance**, Manufacturing Process and Practicum*, Ergonomics and Work System Design II**
3IIG210Ergonomics and Work System Design II2Ergonomics and Work System Design I*
4IIP304Production Planning and Control****3Introduction to Industrial Engineering*
5IIS204System Modeling****2 
6IIS302Operational Research II****3Statistics*, Operational Research*
7III210Experiment Design2 
8IIP212Control Theory and Introduction to Automation*2 
Total Credits21 
Semester 5
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIS319System Simulation3System Modeling*, Statistics*
2IIP222Manufacturing Industry Design II2Manufacturing Industry Design I*, System Simulation**
3III206Industrial psychology*2 
4IIB201Decision Analysis2Statistics*
5IIO211Industrial Company Organization and Management****2 
6IIE210Cost Analysis2Introduction to Economics*
7IIP305Production System*3Production Planning and Control*
8IIE251Engineering Economics2Cost Analysis*
Total Credits20 
Semester 6
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIP204Facility Layout Design****2Manufacturing Industry Design I and II*, Manufacturing Industry Design III**
2IIP223Manufacturing Industry Design III*2Manufacturing Industry Design II*, Facility Layout Design**
3IIP227Product Design and Development****2Introduction to Industrial Engineering*, Engineering Materials**, Cost Analysis**
4IIO311Enterprise Analysis and Design3Organization and Management of Industrial Companies*, Introduction to Industrial Engineering*
 5IIS321Information System Analysis and Design & Practicum3Organization and Management of Industrial Companies**, Computer Programming and Practicum*, Introduction to Industrial Engineering*
6IIU201Research methodology2Industry Statistics*, Manufacturing Industry Design III**
7IUK301Technology-Based Entrepreneurship3 
Total Credits17 
Semester 7
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIU202Practical work2Manufacturing Industry Design III*, Research Methodology ***, Indonesian **
2IIP224Manufacturing and Service Industry Design2Cost Analysis**, Enterprise Design Analysis****, Engineering Economics**, Manufacturing Industry Design*
3IIC221Industrial Environment System2Qualification: Chemistry
4IIP213Supply Chain System*2Industrial Company Organization and Management*, Production Planning and Control*, Systems Modeling*
5 Optional Course I3 
6 Optional Course II3 
Total Credits17 
Semester 8
NoMK codeSubjectSKSPrerequisite
1IIU403Final Project*5Research Methodology***, Competency Supporting Courses***, Indonesian **, Practical Work **
2IUP401Introduction to Profession3 
3 Optional Course III3 
Total Credits11 

Information :
*have taken this course before
** have ever taken or are currently taking the course
***Pass the course
**** Competency Supporting Courses

List of Optional Courses

NoMK codeSubjectSKSPreconditionLaboratory
1IIP322Advanced Manufacturing3Production Planning and Control*, Production System*Production System
2IIP323Inventory System3Production Planning and Control*, Production System*Production System
3IIG304Advanced Ergonomic3Ergonomics and Work System Design IIWork System Design & Ergonomics
4IIG313Macro Ergonomics3Ergonomics and Design of Work Systems II, Organization and Management of Industrial Companies
Work System Design & Ergonomics
5III306Standardization3Quality Control and Assurance*Quality Engineering
6III302Eksperimen Mixture & Taguchi3Experiment Design*
Quality Engineering
7III308Multivariate Analysis3 Quality Engineering
8III318Lean Six Sigma3Production Planning and Control*, Production System*, Quality Control and Assurance*Quality Engineering
9IIO314Corporate Strategy3Technology-Based Entrepreneurship*, Organization, and Management of Industrial Companies*Organization & Business Development
10IIO304Lean Start-Up Entrepreneurship3Technology-Based Entrepreneurship*, Enterprise Analysis and DesignOrganization & Business Development
11IIO305Marketing Research3 Organization & Business Development
12IKS330Dynamic System3 Industrial Systems & Simulation
13IKS329Intelligence System3 Industrial Systems & Simulation
14IKS331Business Intelligence3Information System Analysis and Design & Practicum*Industrial Systems & Simulation
15IIS326Performance Measurement System3Enterprise Analysis and DesignOrganization & Business Development
16IIP325Maintenance System3
Statistics *
Production System/Quality Engineering
17IIP326Enterprise Resource Planning3Supply Chain System*Production Systems/Industrial Simulation & Systems/Organization & Business Development
18IIP339Industrial Robotics3 Production System
19IIP327Sustainable Manufacturing3Production SystemProduction System
20IIG306Work Health and Safety3 Work System Design & Ergonomics
Human Resource Management System
3Industrial psychology* Organization & Business Development
22IKD304Data Mining3Industry StatisticsQuality Engineering
23IIG307Cognitive Ergonomics and Usability3Ergonomics and Work System Design IIWork System Design & Ergonomics
24IIP340Lean Manufacturing System3Production SystemProduction System
25IIM361Project management3Introduction to Industrial EngineeringNon-lab
26IIU303Manufacturing and Service Engineering Internship3Practical work**Non-lab
27IIU304Management Intern3Practical work**Non-lab
28UKT6300Independent Business Course in Applied Technology (KUMITT)3 Non-lab
29IIM301Advanced Technology-Based Entrepreneurship3Technology-Based EntrepreneurshipOrganizational & Business Development

Subject Group Details
Mathematics and Statistics  
1IUM331Calculus I31
2IUM332Calculus II32
3IUM341Linear Algebra32
4IUM316Optimization Math33
5IIS301Operational Research I33
6IIS302Operational Research II34
8IUM101Statistics Practicum12
9III204Industry Statistics23
10III210Experiment Design24
1IUF301Physics I31
2IUF103Physics Practicum11
3IUF302Physics II32
5IIG305Anatomy and  Human Physiology32
Engineering Science  
NoKodeMata KuliahSKSSemester
1IMG302Drawing Techniques and Practicum32
2IMN206Materials Engineering23
3IMJ212Engineering Mechanics23
4IIP212Control Theory and Introduction to Automation24
5IKL307Computer Programming and Practicum31
Social Sciences   
1IIE211Introduction to Economics21
2III206Industrial psychology27
3IIO211Industrial Company Organization and Management25
4IIE210Cost Analysis25
Industrial Engineering Science  
1III201Introduction to Industrial Engineering21
2IIE251Engineering Economics25
3IIS319System Simulation35
4IIG212Ergonomics and Work System Design I23
5IIG210Ergonomics and Work System Design II24
6IIP321Manufacturing Process and Practicum33
7IIP324Quality Control and Assurance34
8IIP304Production Planning and Control34
9IIP305Production System35
10IIS204System Modeling24
11IIB201Decision Analysis25
1IIC221Industrial Environment System27
Industrial Engineering Design  
1IIP213Supply Chain System27
2IIS321Information System Analysis and Design & Practicum36
3IIP204Facility Layout Design26
4IIO311Enterprise Analysis and Design36
5IIU201Research Methodology26
6IIP227Product Design and Development26
7IIP221Manufacturing Industry Design I24
8IIP222Manufacturing Industry Design II25
9IIP223Manufacturing Industry Design III26
10IIP233Manufacturing and Service Industry Design27
11IIU202Practical work27
13IIU403Final Project58
General knowledge  
1UKD202Citizenship Education and Kadeham23
2UPA200Pancasila Education21
3UAG201-UAG205Religious Education23
1IUP401Introduction to Profession38
2IUK301Technology-Based Entrepreneurship36
3IUC201Computational Thinking21
1 Optional Course I37
2 Optional Course II37
3 Optional Course III38

Distribusi Ujian Penjaminan Mutu

NoQuality Assurance CourseSKSSemester
1Introduction to Industrial Engineering2#       
2Manufacturing Process2  #     
3Production Planning and Control3   #    
4System Modeling2   #    
5Ergonomics and Work System Design I3   #    
6Quality Control & Assurance3   #    
7Product Design and Development2     #  
8Facility Layout Design2     #  
9Industrial Company Organization and Management3    #   
10Operational Research II3   #    
Note: The # sign is an exam that is presented in the semester

International Courses

NoCodeSubjectStudy Load 
1IIP213Supply Chain System2
2IUK301Technology-Based Entrepreneurship3
3IKS331Business Intelligence3
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