Vision, Mission and Objectives of Industrial Engineering Study Program
In line with Trisakti University’s Vision, to “Become a reliable university, with international standards while still paying attention to local values in developing Science, Technology, Arts and Culture to improve the quality of life and civilization”. Vision of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti University: To become a reliable, international-standard faculty of technology in developing and implementing environmentally friendly industrial science and technology and Improving the quality of life and civilization, a scientific vision was made for the Industrial Engineering Study Program of Trisakti University.
The scientific vision of the Industrial Engineering Study Program, FTI Trisakti University is “To become an Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program that is able to continuously provide innovative solutions to integrated systems in the manufacturing and service industries to increase productivity, quality with technopreneurship insight and international standards”. Through this vision, it is hoped that the Industrial Engineering Study Program can become the spearhead of the development of Indonesian Industrial Engineering people who have technopreneurship insight and national insight so that they are able to strengthen national resilience. Referring to the vision above, the Industrial Engineering Study Program at Trisakti University has a mission to study undergraduate industrial engineering.
Mission of the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program:
- Organizing a sustainable Industrial Engineering Study Program by empowering, developing and improving the competence of human resources in the activities of the Tridharma of Higher Education.
- Carry out education, research and community service that provide innovative solutions to integrated systems in the manufacturing and service industries to increase productivity, quality with international standards.
- To educate the nation’s life through Industrial Engineering Education that is adaptive, based on virtuous outcomes according to Trisakti’s Trisakti strategy with technopreneurship insight and has an impact on society.
The objectives of the Industrial Engineering Study Program are:
- Produce graduates who are able to apply knowledge and industrial engineering skills in an integrated system in the manufacturing and service industries with attitudes and behaviors that are in accordance with Trisakti University’s Trisakti and Technopreneurship insight and sustainability.
- Carry out education, research and community service with international standards, scientific publications with national and international standards.
- Produce human resources who have international qualifications and competencies.
The targets of the Industrial Engineering Study Program are:
- Maintaining Superior Accreditation to BAN PT standards, and international standards by obtaining IABEE General accreditation.
- Increased achievement of Industrial Engineering Graduates’ Learning Outcomes listed in the Curriculum Document.
- Increasing graduates who are in accordance with the Independent Professional Profile and have the ability to speak English with a minimum TOEFL score of 450.
- Increasing the number of National and International scientific publications and the number of citations for Lecturers and Students and having an impact on society.
- Increasing the number of community service activities and their publications for Lecturers and Students and making peace with the community.
- Increasing the number of intellectual property rights of lecturers and students and having an impact on society.
- Increasing the number of certified educators with Doctoral degrees, Head Lectors, tiered Professorship academic positions, as well as skilled, professional and certified education personnel.
- Increased understanding of the Study Program’s Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Targets by stakeholders to be used as guidelines in the implementation of study programs up to 100%.