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As a means to get to know more about the Trisakti Faculty of Industrial Technology, a Virtual Campus Tour FTI was held for prospective new students. The event, which was held on Saturday, June 25, 2022, was opened by MC Mrs. Debbie Kemala Sari ST, MBA, MT followed by remarks from the Dean of FTI Trisakti Mrs. Dr. Ir. Rianti Sulamet-Ariobimo, ST, M.Eng, IPM. Then the FTI virtual tour started for Buildings F and G which was guided by Mr. Agung Sasongko ST, MM and building E was guided by Mr. Deiny Mardian, ST, MT. In this virtual tour, it is explained about all the facilities on all floors of Buildings E, F, and G. Then at the end of this event the students are guided to a breakout room session to enter each desired department. In the break out room, the Department of Industrial Engineering was given an explanation of the profile of the Department of Industrial Engineering by the Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering, Dr. Rina FItriana, ST, MM, as well as video showings of infrastructure, laboratory profiles, lecturer profiles and alumni insight by Annisa Dewi Akbari, ST, M.Sc. Hopefully this event can be memorable for prospective new students. So what are you waiting for, let’s wait at the Trisakti FTI campus ?