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Wednesday, 03 January 2024

Secretary of Industrial Engineering Doctoral Study Program FTI Trisakti University Dr. Ir. Iveline Anne Marie attended The 18th International Conference on Quality in Research

Secretary of the FTI Industrial Engineering Doctoral Study Program, Trisakti University Dr.Ir.Iveline Anne Marie attended The 18th International Conference on Quality in Research which was held by the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia in Bali. The QiR International Conference aims to be an international meeting that discusses the role of science and technology in the 21st century, with a special focus on human life and a sustainable environment. This year, QiR will carry the theme “Navigating the Pathway to Achieve Net Zero Emissions through Green Technologies and Policies”. Therefore, the main aim of this conference is to open a world discussion regarding the role of technology and policy in achieving Net Zero Emissions, especially in the Indonesian context. We hope that participating in this event can increase the publication of Industrial Engineering Lecturers at Trisakti University on the international stage.

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