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Thursday, 07 December 2023

PKKMB FTI and Usakti Industrial Engineering Department

PKKMB FTI and Usakti Industrial Engineering Department was held on 30-31 August 2023. PKKMB was opened by the Dean of FTI Usakti Dr. Ir. Rianti Dewi-Sulamet Ariobimo, S.T., M.Eng., IPM by beating a gong and attaching a name tag. Then it was continued with a presentation of material from the faculty leader.

PKKMB continues with the second day on August 31 2023, namely the presentation of material from department heads and lecturers. Starting with a presentation of the profile of the Industrial Engineering Department by the Head of the Department, Dr. Ir. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., I.P.M. Then continued with the introduction of Industrial Engineering Lecturers by the Department Secretary, Dr. Dian Mardi Safitri, S.T., M.T. Once finished, continue with the department safari and lab tour.

The next activity was continued with material from HMTI, namely regarding time management and responsibilities as a student by the Chair of HMTI, Alyendra Mahagotra Usada, and the Deputy Chair of HMTI, Tryantomo Lokhilmatul Palgunadi. After that, it continued with a review of HMTI material, then games, and singing Mars TI.

Before closing, a symbolic handover of new students from the faculty to the department was carried out.

Welcome to new Industrial Engineering students at FTI Usakti. Hopefully you can attend lectures well, make achievements, and graduate on time??

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