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Optimization 2023 will be held on Friday, August 4 2023 at the Auditorium on the 8th Floor of the F&G Building, Trisakti University. The event began with the opening MC, namely Inas Farihah and Muhammad Luthfi Ismail from Industrial Engineering 2021. This event carried the theme “How to Escalate Your Leadership and Future Career Goals”.
This event was attended by lecturers, classes of 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022. Speakers at the 2023 Optimization event were Surya Saputra, Fara Reza Syafira (2016 TI Alumni), and Ardhi Ramadhana. Surya provided material regarding Upgrading Sessions and conducting trial simulations within the scope of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Trisakti University. After the presentation of the material, a plaque was handed over to the speaker, Surya.
Next, a games session was held and the winners in this games session were
Surya (TI 2019). The event continued with the presentation of material delivered by Fara Reza via a zoom meeting, namely a Sharing Session regarding alumni and Human Relations. After the presentation of the material, a plaque was handed over.
The final material presentation was delivered by Ardhi Ramadhana regarding Upgrading Student Organizations at university level to department level. After the presentation of the material, it was continued with the presentation of the plaque to the speaker, namely Ardhi. The next event was a sharing session per department for 60 minutes, then continued again with the announcement of the best departments and best staff.
The best department selected in HMTI 2022/2023 is the Department of Foreign Affairs and the best staff selected in HMTI 2022/2023 are Tryantomo Lokhilmahful Palgunadi (TI 2020) and Daffa Akiel Mustaqim (TI 2021). The event closed with the awarding of plaques and certificates to the Best Department and Best Staff.