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The Department of Industrial Engineering, Trisakti University is running the MBKM Green Technopreneurship Program for the second year. The program that received the PKKM grant has reached the Incubation Program Kickoff stage in collaboration with Code Margonda, a company that has experience in producing reliable startups. This program will be attended by 11 students from the Department of Industrial Engineering who are divided into 3 teams. Of the 11 participants, 4 of them were students from the 2019 batch who took part in the MBKM Green Technopreneurship which converted into 20 credits, while the remaining 7 were students from the 2018 batch who continued their ideas when carrying out a series of Manufacturing and Service Industry Practicum (PIMJ) to the commercialization stage.
Kickoff will be held on Friday, June 24, 2022 at Kode Creativespace Depok Townsquare. This event was attended by a team of Usakti Industrial Engineering lecturers represented by Emelia Sari, ST, MT, Ph.D, Agung Sasongko, ST, MM, and Imam Kisowo ST, MM, then 11 participants from Trisakti Industrial Engineering Department students, Didi Diarsa founder from Code Margonda, as well as mentors and facilitators. The event was opened by the MC, followed by remarks from the founder of Kode creativespace Didi Diarsa and remarks from the Trisakti Industrial Engineering Department, Agung Sasongko, ST, MM. Furthermore, the event continued with the socialization of the incubation program activities presented by the director of the incubation program, namely Jefry Pratama, questions and answers from participants, and networking sessions. At the end of this session there is a tour de office about the facilities and rooms that will be used during the program as well as a tour to the office of one of the start ups, namely Fundex. Hopefully this incubation program can run smoothly and can produce successful young entrepreneurs.