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Tuesday, 08 March 2022
By: Admin

Industrial Engineering Competition 2022

The Industrial Engineering Competition or what is often called IEC is an art-making competition for students from various high schools/vocational schools/equivalents which will be held at 9 am on Sunday, March 6, 2022, which will be held online.
IEC carries the theme “Engaging Sustainable Development Goals with Industry 4.0”, which was attended by lecturers, active class (2018, 2020), and participants who have participated in enlivening this event.

The event opened with the two MCs, Kim See Yuun with Tryantomo. The speech was made by the Head of the 2020 Industrial Engineering Department, Trisakti University, Dr. Rina Fitriana, ST, MM, Deputy Dean 3 Ir. Amal Witonohadi, MT and Chairman of HMTI Jan Michael.

The lecturers starting from Mrs. Rina gave material about Introduction to the Industrial Engineering Department to IEC participants, which was followed by a question and answer session. Then the next event there was an ice breaking in order to improve the mood of the event which was guided by the MC. Followed by explanations of laboratory materials from several Heads of Laboratory and Practicum Heads, Mrs. Arnes, Mrs. Tiena, Mrs. Elfira, Mrs. Pudji, and Mr. Amal. Followed by the presentation of the set material by the Chairman of the Industrial Engineering Association, Jan Michael. At the end of the event, an Industrial Games was held in order to invite participants to think like an industrial engineer guided by Azizah Nurul Hanifati. At the end of the event there is an announcement of the winner of each competition.

Recording youtube link:


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