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- JL. Kyai Tapa No. 1 Grogol
- Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
- Phone:
- (62-21) 566 3232
- Official Universitas Trisakti:
- (+62) 813-1530-9978
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- (+62) 882 194 856 74
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Congratulations to Trisakti University for being awarded the Gold Institute Award, for its achievement in creating a generation of entrepreneurs from the StartMe Up Awards.
This award, which was given in early June 2022, also validates Trisakti University as an entrepreneur university.
Trisakti University has a Technology-Based Entrepreneurship (KBT) course in collaboration with the Wadhwani Foundation, where students not only study to become undergraduates, but are also required to be creative and have the soul and spirit as an entrepreneur who can contribute to society and the nation. In addition, students are trained to form practice ventures that are directed at building new businesses from identifying customer problems, providing solutions and validating their businesses. Practice Venture that has the potential to be included in the YouNoodle global competition.
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