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Thursday, 07 December 2023

BKSTI DKI Jakarta Regional Coordinator

BKSTI Regional Coordinator of DKI Jakarta held an Industrial Engineering Curriculum Workshop with the theme Rehumanizing Smart Technology for Industrial Resilience and Sustainability

Keynote Speakers:
• Prof. Ir. Isti Surjandari, MT, MA, PhD (Professor of Industrial Engineering, University of Indonesia)
• Nandi Pratyaksa, ST, MM (Telkomsel, Senior Advisor in Finance) Trisakti University Industrial Engineering Alumni

Workshop parallel sessions:
1. Engineering Economics by Dr. Lamto Widodo, ST., MT.
2. Ergonomics/Human Factors by Dr. Dian Mardi Safitri, ST., MT, Lecturer in Industrial Engineering, FTI Trisakti University
3. Circular Economy and Sustainability by Dr. Tanika D Sofianti, ST., MT
4. Systems Engineering by Taufik, ST, MM, PhD
5. Safety Engineering by Prof. Ir. Yulianto S. Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D
6. Operations Research by Prof. Parwadi Moengin, PhD, Lecturer in Industrial Engineering, FTI Trisakti University

The event will be held on Tuesday, August 15 2023. 08.30 – 16.30
At Bakrie Tower, Bakrie University.

The event was attended by the Chair of the Usakti IT Department Dr. Ir. Rina Fitriana, ST, MM and Lecturers at the Usakti IT Department Novia Rahmawati, ST, MT, MBA and Anik Nur Habyba, STP, MSi and Industrial Engineering lecturers.

Hopefully this event will be useful for developing the Industrial Engineering curriculum in Indonesia.

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