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Friday, 08 December 2023

Acceptance of Work System Design and Ergonomics Laboratory Assistants for the 2023/2024 Period

Acceptance of Work Systems and Ergonomics Design Laboratory Assistants for the 2023/2024 Period was held on Friday, September 8 2023 at the Work Systems and Ergonomics Design Laboratory.

This event began with a speech from the Head of the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics Laboratory, Novia Rahmawati, S.T., M.T., M.B.A., followed by the introduction of new assistants, and friendly relations with lecturers who were members of the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics Laboratory.

The six new assistants include:
1. Maharani Girl
2. Nabila Aulia
3. Dewi Fitriyani
4. Mita Syamsyuddin
5. Aliffia Puri Indraswari
6. Muhawid Al Ken

Welcome to the new assistant, hopefully you can develop new things in the Work Systems and Ergonomics Design Laboratory??

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