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The Essential Skills to Start Your Career webinar was held on Saturday, March 23 2024. This event was organized by the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) with Mrs. Dr. Ir. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., IPM Head of Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Study Program as the event coordinator. The resource person for this event was Mr. Budi Sila H., HR Manager of PT Panasonic Industrial Devices.
This event began with singing the song Indonesia Raya, then a speech from the Dean of FTI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rianti Dewi-Sulamet Ariobimo, S.T., M.Eng. Followed by remarks from Mr. Budi Sila H., then remarks from Mrs. Dr. Ir. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., IPM as event coordinator.
In this webinar session, Mr Budi Sila, conveyed what things need to be prepared when starting a career, starting from hard skills and soft skills.
Hopefully this webinar will provide benefits for fresh graduates in starting their careers