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The 16th Industrial Business Fair (IBF) was held on January 11 2024 at Plaza Campus A, Trisakti University. This year’s IBF has the theme “Mother How Are You Today. Empowering Women for a Brighter Tomorrow.”
This activity began with a speech from the Chair of the Industrial Engineering Department, Dr. Ir. Rina Fitriana, S.T., M.M., I.P.M., then continued with remarks from the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Prof. Dr. Ir. Rianti Sulamet-Ariobimo, S.T., M.Eng., I.P.M. Next, remarks from the Chancellor of Trisakti University, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA., also opened the IBF event.
Launching of 2 Business Incubator Technical Instructions from LPPM Trisakti University, then screening of the PPIMJ Practicum video. Followed by a stand visit. Talk show session on the topic of strategies for obtaining venture capital funding for start-ups. Apart from that, there was also a session sharing Alumni experiences in establishing start-up businesses.
This event was also enlivened by performances by 14 groups. This event closed with the announcement of the BPC, Mascot and Jingle winners.