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Dr. Dian Mardi Safitri and Dr. Emelia Sari, lecturer in Industrial Engineering at Trisakti University, is a member of the Trisakti University team for the Erasmus+ Ecogreen Project which received funding from the European Union. Trisakti University is a member of the consortium for this project which aims to carry out capacity building in the academic world and MSMEs to achieve sustainability.
On October 30 2023, the Seminar and Workshop “BENCHMARKING AND LEARNING FROM EU EXPERIENCE: Opportunity of Adaptation to Indonesian Context” was held as part of Work Package 3 for this project. This activity was carried out at the Parahyangan Catholic University Campus in Bandung. The Trisakti University team submitted a review of the sustainability course syllabus for Parahyangan University, and received a review from the Surabaya University Team.
This review is input for improvements to courses proposed as sustainability courses at Trisakti University. For the Industrial Engineering Study Program, there are two courses proposed, namely Sustainable Manufacturing and Work Health and Safety. This activity is a contribution from the Industrial Engineering Study Program to Trisakti University in its efforts to become a Green and Sustainable Campus.