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As a form of engineers’ concern for Indonesia in mitigating climate change, in anticipation of Indonesian Tree Planting Day, Indonesian Engineers carried out a simultaneous tree planting action which was held on:
Day: Saturday, November 11, 2023
Hours: 06.30 s.d. Finished
Location: Simple Beach Village, Muara Gembong District, Kab. Bekasi – West Java. This event was organized by BKTI PII attended by the Chairman of BKTI PII Ir. Faizal Safa, ST, MSc, IPU, ASEANEng, Secretary of BKTI PII Ir. Wiza Hidayat, ST, IPM, ASEANEng, Committee Chair Shadiq Helmi. Chair of the Industrial Engineering Department, FTI, Trisakti University Dr.Ir.RIna Fitriana,ST,MM,IPM,AseanEng, Usakti IT alumni Sandika and Usakti IT students Bagas were also present at this event. Hopefully this event will be useful for increasing sustainability, increasing environmental sustainability and increasing cooperation with SMEs.