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Thursday, 16 November 2023

IT Anniversary Webinar 2023

On July 15 2023, Trisakti Industrial Engineering held one of the activities, namely a Webinar to welcome Trisakti University’s Industrial Engineering Birthday with the theme “A Roadmap to Unlock The Key of Personal Success”. This activity aims to provide young people with tips for achieving personal success.

The event began with remarks from the Chairman of IKATISAKTI Ambiya Pietoyo ST, M.Sc. then continued with remarks from the head of the department, Dr. Rina Fitriana ST, MM, IPM and remarks from Assistant Dean III Ir. Sucipto Adisuwiryo, M.M.

Next, material was delivered by Bang Mushab and Bang Ricky as Industrial Engineering alumni regarding “A Roadmap to Unlock The Key of Personal Success”. And continue with a question and answer session by the students.

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