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Monday, 14 November 2022

PEI Knowledge Sharing Seminar 2022

The Knowledge Sharing Seminar is a routine activity of the Indonesian Ergonomics Association (PEI) to provide updates on the direction of Ergonomics research for its members. This seminar was held in a hybrid manner as part of the Ergocamp 2022 implementation series.

Industrial Engineering Lecturer, Dr. Dian Mardi Safitri who is also Deputy Chair of the Banten & DKI Jakarta Region PEI Coordinator, served as moderator for this event. This knowledge sharing featured two speakers namely Wiwik Budiawan, PhD (Eng) who presented an update on Sleep Quality and Next Day Performance research and Dr. Wyke Kusmasari with his material Prototype Design of Musculoskeletal Disorders Warning System.

Four Usakti Industrial Engineering lecturers took part in this activity as participants. It is hoped that from this activity a newer direction of ergonomics research will emerge from the Work Systems Design and Ergonomics Lab in the Industrial Engineering study program, Trisakti University.

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