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Wednesday, 01 December 2021
By: Admin

Achievements of Faculty of Industrial Technology Lecturers

The Trisakti University Academic Community wishes you “Congratulations on the Achievements Obtained by FTI Lecturers”

  1. Emilia Sari ST, MT, Ph.D (Industrial Engineering)
    Rank 1 Faculty of Excellence Research
  2. Emilia Sari ST, MT, Ph.D – Dr. Ir. Iveline Anne Marie MT – Dr. Ir. Docki Saraswati M.Eng (Industrial Engineering)
    Rank 1 Publication of Reputable International Journals
  3. Shah Alam S.Pd, MT (Electrical Engineering)
    Faculty of Excellence Research
  4. Annisa Bhikuning ST, M.Eng, Oh.D (Mechanical Engineering)
    Rank 2 Publications of Reputable International Journals
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