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Alumni are one of the important assets owned by a university that need to be managed properly because in addition to carrying the name of the alma mater, they can also provide input for the progress of the alma mater university.
Ikatan Alumni Teknik Industri Universitas Trisakti (IKATISAKTI) was established on 27 May 2000 on the initiative of the Study Program and representatives of each generation. The establishment of the Alumni Association was strengthened by the Articles of Association of the Industrial Engineering Alumni Association which was ratified by the notary Zul Maezarzul, SH No. 67 of November 30, 2000.
Then it was agreed that the symbol for the Alumni Association was based on the election results and the slogan of the Alumni Association, namely “Ekapurwaka Sarwahita” which means “coming from one origin that is beneficial to all”.
The organizational structure of the Industrial Engineering Alumni Association, consisting of :
The Member Council is in charge of selecting and supervising the implementation of the Alumni Association Work Program carried out by the Governing Body.
IKATISAKTI Work Program :
IKATISAKTI Secretariat :
Kampus A Usakti, Gedung Herry Hartanto (F&G) Lt. 5
Jl. Kyai Tapa No. 1, Grogol- Jakarta Barat (11440)
Email :
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