

Prof. Parwadi Moengin, PhD.

a. Bachelor of Mathematics, Semarang State University, 1991
b. Master in Mathematical Modeling/Applied Mathematics, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1993
c. Doctor of Operations Research/ Management Sciences, Putra University, Malaysia, 2003
a. National Level P4 Upgrading, BP 7, 1997
b. Applied Approach, FTI-Trisakti University, 1998
c. Dynamic Model, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta, 2004
a. Chair, Analytical Model of Integrated Distribution Inventory Production System for Steel Billet Products, USAKTI, 2006
b. Chair, Configuration study on the relationship between production systems, business strategy, competitive environment, and organizational culture, USAKTI, 2007
c. Chair, A Stochastic Multi-step Methodology for Evaluating and Optimizing Hospital Bed Provision, USAKTI, 2008
d. Member, Development of the RI National Resilience Measurement System Phase I-III, Lemhannas RI, 2007 – 2008
e. Chairman, Development of the RI National Resilience Measurement System Phase IV, Lemhannas RI, 2009
f. Chair, Polynomial Barrier Method for Solving Linear Program Problems, Mandiri, 2010
a. Book, Numerical Method, USAKTI Publisher, 2008
b. Book, Optimization Theory of Methods and Applications, USAKTI Publisher, 2009
c. Journal, Logarithmic Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems, Industrial Engineering USAKTI, 2006
d. Journal, Problem Solving Limited Linear Program Using Modified Logarithmic-Exponential Functions, State University of Malang Vol. VIII Special edition, 2007
e. Journal, Analytical Model of Integrated Distribution Inventory Production System for Steel Billet Products, STIE IBMT Surabaya, 2008
f. Journal, Configuration of Relationships between Production Systems, Business Strategy, Competitive Environment and Organizational Culture, Business Research Media and USAKTI Management, 2009
g. Journal, Polynomial Barrier Method for Solving Linear Programming Problems, International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2010
h. Journal, A Stochastic Multi-stage Methodology for Evaluating and Optimizing Bed Provision in Hospitals, Industrial Engineering UMM Malang, 2010
i. Journal, Design of Warehousing Information Systems, Informatics, and computing STMIK Indonesia, 2010
a. Productivity Analysis High-Pressure Diecasting Section PT. Astra Honda by Reducing Break Down Time Machine, ISIEM 2007
b. Productivity Analysis to Increase Aircraft Condition Monitoring and Analysis That Will Improve Aircraft Safety and Reliability in PT. Garuda Indonesia, ISIEM 2007
c. Determining on Optimal Value of The Present Value Function of The Arcelus Srinivasan Using The Taylor Theorem, ISIEM 2007
d. Exponential Method for Convex Optimization Under Linear Constraints, ISIEM 2007
e. Promoting Aviation Safety in Indonesia Through productivity and Quality Improvement Method, ISIEM 2007
f. Penalty Methods in Constrained Optimization, IMEC S 2008 Hongkong
g. Barrier Method in Linear Programming Problem, ICMSA 2008 Banda Aceh
h. Evaluation of Performance and Improvement of Service Systems using Simulation, National Seminar on Simulation Technology IV, 2008
i. Performance Evaluation and Improvement of Manufacturing Systems using Simulation, National Seminar on Simulation Technology IV Yogyakarta, 2008
j. Simulation in Manufacturing Systems: A Tool for Evaluating and Improving System Performance, National Scientific Theme for Engineering Lecturers VII 2008
k. AHP/CPM Model for Priority Selection and Project Scheduling, National Scientific Theme VII Engineering Lecturer 2008
l. Algorithm for Solving Primal-Dual Linear Programming Using Barrier Function Methods, ISIEM 2009
m. Polynomial Penalty Method for Solving Linear Programming, World Conference on Engineering in the UK and International Association of Engineering in Hong Kong
a. Editor in Chief of Journal of Informatics and Computing, Journal of Informatics and Computing, STMIK Indonesia, 2008 – present
a. Committee and Speakers, National Conf’ on Management Sciences and Operation Research, Industrial Engineering USAKTI, 2004
b. Speaker, National Conf’ on Design and Application of Technology, Widya Mandala University Surabaya, 2005
c. Speaker, National Conf” on Design and Application of Technology, Widya Mandala University Surabaya, 2006
d. Committee and Speakers, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering Management I Jakarta, Industrial Engineering, 2007
e. Speaker, International Multiconferences on Engineering and Computer Sciences, International Association of Engineers Hongkong, 2008
f. Committee and Speakers, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering Management II, Industrial Engineering, 2008
g. Committee and Speakers, International Seminar on Industrial Engineering Management III Bali, Industrial Engineering, 2009
h. Speaker, World Conferences on Engineering in the UK, 2010
a. Head of Practicum, USAKTI Industrial Engineering Computing Lab, 1996-1999
b. Head of Laboratory, USAKTI Industrial Engineering Computing Lab, 2004-2008
c. Head of laboratory, Industrial Engineering Simulation and Systems Lab, USAKTI, 2008-present
d. Chief Executive Officer, USAKTI FTI Research Council, 2005-present
e. Member, USAKTI Research Council, 2005-present
f. Member, USAKTI Academic Quality Assurance Agency, 2007-present
a. Companion, Industrial Engineering ORMAWA Activities for Welcoming New Students, Sukabumi, 2006
b. Companion, Industrial Engineering ORMAWA Activities for Welcoming New Students, Sukabumi, 2007
c. Companion, Industrial Engineering ORMAWA Activities for Welcoming New Students, Sukabumi, 2008
a. Award for 10 Years of Service at USAKTI, 2005
a. Member, Hong Kong International Association of Engineers (IAENG), 2004-present

Prof. Dr. Ir. Dadan Umar Daihani, DEA

a. Engineer, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Bandung Institute of Technology, 1979
b. Diplome d’Etude Approfondies de I’Université d’Aix Marseille III, Field of Automated Production Management, France, 1990
c. Docteur En Sciences de I’Université d’Aix Marseille III, Field of Automated Production Management, France, 1994

Speech Title: Industrial Development Strategy Entering the Era of Centralization
Inauguration Date : November 14, 2000

a. Study on 2003 Basic Electricity Tariff Increase, USAKTI Lemlit, 2003
b. Landscape of Various Riots and Potential for Disintegration, USAKTI Lemlit, 2001
c. Computerized Decision Making System, Eleks Media Komputindo, 2000
d. Industry Development Strategy Entering the Decentralization Era, The Jakarta Post, 2000
e. Landscape and Potential Conflicts of Indonesian Society, LIPI, 2000
f. Integration of Maintenance and Quality Production management, The New Paradigm of Quality as A New Landscape for Global Market, FTI USAKTI, 2000
g. Signals of Reform Unread in Full, Bulletin 12 May, 2000
h. Decision Support System Design for Mold Cost Estimation at PT DP Mechanical Metallurgical and Industrial Engineering, FTUI, 1999
i. Development of NC-Code Generation for Insertion NC-Machine, Mechanical, Metallurgical and Industrial Engineering, FTUI, 1999
j. From fixing to the privatization of SOEs, Journal of Accounting Management Economics, 1998
k. Main Thoughts on Educational System Reform in Indonesia, USAKTI Lemlit Research Journal, 1998
l. Cooperation Model Between Higher Education (Post Graduate Program) and Industry, Research Journal of USAKTI Lemlit, 1998
m. Education and Planning in The Face of Power, USAKTI Lemlit Research Journal, 1997
n. IDEA (Information Decision Enterprise Analysis) method, USAKTI Lemlit Research Journal, 1996
o. The Application of the idea method in the Indonesian companies:experiences productivity in a world without borders, Edition de l’ecole Polytechnique de montreal
Canada, 1995
p. Information Decision Enterprise Analysis, Increasing the Flexibility of Manufacturing Systems in Facing Industrial Challenges in 2000, ITB, 1994
q. A conceptual approach of a new architecture of the computer Aided quality management systems, toward their better integration with the other production management function, Quality and its Applications, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne England, 1993

a. Indonesian Engineers Association (PII), Since 1979
b. Bachelor of Industrial Engineering and Management Association (ISTMI), Since 1989
c. Indonesian Technical Experts Association (PATI), Since 2002
d. Groupement de Genie Industrialle, 1990
e. Secretary Bamus PII France, 1990
f. ITB Student Council (Welfare Sector), HMTI, 1975
g. Mahawarman (Last Position in As I), 1975

a. The Landscape of Various Riots and Potential for Disintegration, 2001
b. Computerized Decision Making System, 2000
c. Industry Development Strategy Entering the Decentralization Era

a. Best Researcher at Trisakti University, 1995
b. The best ranking of the Mainstay of Lemhannas, 2009

a. Short Education Program Class XVI, Lemhannas RI, 2009
b. French Course, L”Universite Saint Sebastian, Grenable, France, 1989
c. French Course, Center Culturel Francais Jakarta, 1989
d. Main Frame Computer Management System Course, PT Astra Grafa, 1985

a. Member, Development of Indonesia’s Corruption Prevention and Enforcement Index, 2009
b. Mandiri, Development of the Autonomy Index as a Measuring Tool for Regional Government Performance to Realize Good Governance in the context of National Economic Development, 2009
c. Chairman, Development of the Social Early Warning System “Bali Province Case”, 2007
d. Chair, National Conflict Potential Study, 2007
e. Chair, Conflict Studies in the Poso Region, 2007
f. Chairman, Study on the May 1998 Riots in Jakarta, 1999
g. Chair, Research on Landscapes and Potential Conflicts in Indonesia, 1999
h. Chairman, Design of a Decision Support System for Estimating Printing Costs at PT DP, 1999
i. Chair, Program Generator Development for NC Machines, 1999
j. Independent, Study on the Privatization of BUMN “Case of PT PLN”, 1999
k. Member, L’Integration Verticale de la planification et de I’ordonnancement du system de production, 1993
l. Member, A conceptual approach of a new architecture of the computer Aided quality management systems, toward their better integration with the other production management function, 1993

a. Seminar on Strategy Education in Facing Advances in Information Technology and Globalization, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University Batam, 2010
b. Panel Discussion of the Consolidation Forum of Regional Government Leaders Regents, Mayors and DPRD Chairs, Increasing the Role of Regional Governments in MSMEs, Lemhannas RI, 2010
c. Industry Insight Development Seminar 2010 Empowering Indonesia Industry: Optimizing Television Media, UI Industrial Engineering, 2010
d. Speaker at the 2009 Indonesian Education Forum: Synergy between Universities and the Industrial World in Realizing an Independent National Industry, Indonesian Chancellor’s Forum, 2009
e. Organizational Development Workshop on “Virtual Organizations as Future Organizational Forms, UII, 2008
f. Quo Vadis Education Seminar on Indonesian Engineering Education, UPH, 2008
g. Workshop Encouraging the Creation of Technology Development that Generates Intellectual Property Rights, USAKTI FSRD, 2007
h. Baintelkam Seminar on the Study of National Conflict Potential, Police Headquarters, 2007
i. Baintelkam Seminar on Conflict Studies in Poso Region, Police Headquarters, 2007
j. Seminar on the Potential of Mineral Resources as a Contribution to Economic Growth, BPPT, 2007
k. Seminar on Future Industry Challenges, UPH Industrial Engineering, 2007
l. Baintelkam Seminar on Analysis of Potential for Vertical Conflict and Potential for Disintegration in the Papua Region, Police Headquarters, 2006
m. National Seminar on E-Learning Cyber ​​Hospital Prototype Implementation of E Diagnostics in Health Services, USAKTI, 2006
n. National Seminar on E-Learning Virtual Organization is the Reality or Utopia, USAKTI, 2006
o. TDL Seminar, Should Basic Electricity Tariffs Be Raised Again?, Consumer Protection Agency, 2006
p. Scientific Writing Workshop on Scientific Writing Patterns, USAKTI FSRD, 2006
q. Seminar on Who East Kalimantan Holds Pilkada, Morning Daily Tribune Kaltim, 2005
r. Seminar on Capability of Mastery of Technology and National Competitiveness and the Role of Higher Education” tripartite, Proceding Seminar on Indonesian Economic Architecture, ITB 74, 2004
s. Growing Knowledge That Comes from the Homeland, Indonesian Chancellor Forum and Andalas University Padang, 2004
t. National Seminar on e-manufacturing Development of Information Technology in Management, FTI USAKTI and FTI UNTAR, 2004
u. Workshop on Geographic Information System Applications for Social Conflict Analysis, Dept. Domestic, 2003
v. Quel est Le Role des Scientifiques pour mettre en relation entr la technologie formelle et la technologie indigene, Francophone Regional-SEFASE, Singapore, 2002
w. Research University in Indonesia A Reality or Utopia, VI Rector Forum and Bengkulu University, 2002
x. National Seminar on Plantation Downstream Industry Policy Why Indonesia’s Downstream Plantation Industry Doesn’t Develop, APPI, 2000
y. Development of NC Code Generator for Insertion NC-Machine, ICAMT-2000, UTM Malaysia, 2000
z. Industrial Development Strategy Towards the Era of Regional Autonomy, Industrial Planning, Industrial System Planning and Optimization Lab, ITB, 2000
1. Cyberspace Industrial Community, Industrial Planning, Industrial System Planning and Optimization Lab, ITB, 2000
2. Three Possible Scenarios of May 1998 riot in Jakarta Indonesia, The 2000 Inter-Congress on Metropolitan Ethnic Cultures : Maintenance and Interaction, China Urban Anthropology Association-IUAES, beijing, 2000
3. State Owned Enterprise: issues and Model Strategy, case Study: PT PLN Privatization Scheme, Integration of Human Resources, Edition de’l ecole Polytechnique de mobtreal, Canada, 1999
4. Basic Cooperation Model Between graduate School and Industry in Indonesia, RESPEC, UTM Malaysia, 1997
5. Strategic Alliance Basic Concepts and Application, Adaptation and Integration to Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century, ITB, 1996
6. The Application of the idea method in the Indonesian companies: experiences productivity in a world without borders, Edition de l’ecole Polytechnique de montreal, Canada, 1995
7. Information Decision Enterprise Analysis, Improving Manufacturing System Flexibility in Facing Industrial Challenges in 2000, ITB, 1994
8. L’Integration verticale de la planification et de l’ordonnancement, “GSI 4, Institut Universitaire des Sciences pour l’ingenieur de Marseille de l’universite Aix-marseille3, France, 1993
9. A Conceptual approach of a new architecture of the computer Aided quality management systems, toward their better integration with the other production management function, Quality and its Applications, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK, 1993

a. Research Director, Trisakti International Business School, Since 2004
b. Head of Masters Program, Trisakti University Industrial Engineering, Since 2002
c. Member of the Senate, Trisakti University, Since 1996
d. Director, Trisakti University Research Institute, Since 1996
e. Deputy Chair I, Trisakti University Functional Promotion Commission, Since 1996
f. Secretary of Department, Industrial Engineering, 1988-1989
g. Person in Charge of Operations, Center for Computer and Communication Trisakti University, 1987-1989
h. person in charge of the Center, Computer Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1983-1084

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